Havana, North Dakota
Welcome to the new Havana School webpage. Plans are progressing for the All School Reunion next summer – July 1 and 2, 2023. Suggestions for activities are most welcome (along with help!) So far the only firm events are parade and banquet on July 1 (Saturday). Letters have been sent out requesting monies for dues and banquet. Please return asap so that we can calculate numbers for banquet, etc. Thanks so much to all those that have already responded!
The other big project underway is updating the Havana School Directory.. I think that the last time this was done was 1998 so this is for sure way over due.
One more annual added today–1954–enjoy!

I am slowing adding school annuals to the site–more to come as I find the time. Started so far with 1946/48 and one that seems to be a “double” for the years 1949/50..has 2 sets of seniors. These were all copied for me by the Sargent County Museum from annuals that were donated to them. Many thanks to them! To scroll through each album click on the menu tab in upper right !